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    发布时间:2021-08-30   来源:筑招建筑人才网   浏览次数:1030  

一群建筑创意人士为刚刚向公众开放的哥伦布展览推出了一个由 13 个印第安纳州装置组成的系列。


2021 年哥伦布展览的第三期已经开始,由建筑师和创意实践设计的 13 件印第安纳州装置向公众展示,直到 2021 年 11 月。


建筑师们在作品中探索了哥伦布的历史,这些作品将这座城市的文化、政治和历史参考联系起来,既向过去致敬,又为未来思考解决方案。这些装置运用了哥伦布的 现代主义建筑,回应了共同创作者 Iker Gil 和 Mimi Zeiger 的问题;“新中间地带:从大街到大都市,中间城市的未来是什么?”


这个问题是从多个角度考虑的。J Irwin 和 Xenia S Miller 奖获得者 Dream the Combine、Ecosistema Urbano、Future Firm、Olalekan Jeyifous 和 Sam Jacob Studio 在他们的作品中审视了这座城市的居民和事件——过去、现在和未来。无论是探索克里斯托弗·哥伦布对这座城市的影响,重新思考大流行后教学的物理性,还是通过夜间过滤器观察哥伦布,空间都被重新配置和重新思考。其他作品审视了非洲艺术在城市身份中所扮演的角色,或者将作品与俏皮的虚构交织在一起,将空间视为另一种现实。


吸引其他建筑师的是地理,德里克·霍弗林追踪密西西比河,高中设计团队考虑河流如何塑造哥伦布的建筑,而埃塞拉·克里帕和斯蒂芬·穆勒在研究飞行路径时仰望天空。Lola Sheppard 和 Mason White 仔细考虑了整个城市的外观,而 Joyce Hwang 则考虑了野生动物的影响。


Jei Jeeyea Kim 将我们的注意力吸引到风景中缺失的东西上,承认过去沉默的声音;其他人则着眼于外部运动,李昂考虑晚期现代主义对城市的影响,娜塔莉耶茨通过对环境数据的严格分析揭示了模式和节奏。




A group of architecture creatives launches a family of 13 Indiana installations for Exhibit Columbus, which has just opened to the public.


The third installment of Exhibit Columbus 2021 has kicked off, with 13 Indiana installations designed by architects and creative practices on display to the public until November 2021.


Architects have explored the history of Columbus in works that interlink the cultural, political and historical references of the city, both nodding to the past and speculating on solutions for the future. The installations play on Columbus’ modernist architecture, responding to co-creators Iker Gil and Mimi Zeiger’s question; ‘New Middles: From Main Street To Megalopolis, What Is The Future of The Middle City?’


The question is considered from a multitude of standpoints. J Irwin and Xenia S Miller prize recipients Dream the Combine, Ecosistema Urbano, Future Firm, Olalekan Jeyifous, and Sam Jacob Studio scrutinise the city’s occupants and events – past, present and future – in their work. Whether exploring the impact Christopher Columbus had on the city, rethinking the physicality of teaching post-pandemic or viewing Columbus through a nocturnal filter, space is reconfigured and rethought. Other pieces examine the role African art has played in the city’s identity or intertwine works with a playful fictionality, viewing the space as an alternative reality.


It is geography that attracts other architects, with Derek Hoeferlin tracing the Mississippi River, and High School Design Team considering how the river shapes the architecture of Columbus, while Ersela Kripa and Stephen Mueller look to the skies in a study of the flight paths. The appearance of the city as a whole is mulled over by Lola Sheppard and Mason White, while Joyce Hwang considers the impact of wildlife.


Jei Jeeyea Kim draws our attention to what is missing from the landscape, acknowledging the silenced voices of the past; others look to external movements, with Ang Li considering the impact of late modernism on the city and Natalie Yates revealing patterns and rhythms through a stringent analysis of environment data. 








