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    发布时间:2021-08-26   来源:筑招建筑人才网   浏览次数:5402  

澳大利亚设计学院颁发首届奖项,Bates Smart 凭借位于 Cabrini Malvern 的 Gandel Wing 的急诊医疗服务大楼在首届澳大利亚设计学院奖中斩获最佳位置。


澳大利亚设计学院 (DIA) – 澳大利亚的国家设计机构,最近宣布了其首届 2021 年澳大利亚设计师大奖的获奖者。“地点”、“使用”和“互动”三个类别在全国范围内拥有大量具有前瞻性的项目。“地方”识别我们居住、生活和经营的空间;“使用”庆祝我们使用的东西;而“互动”则展示了我们与谁和什么互动。 


“场所”类别由多学科设计实践 Bates Smart 凭借其位于澳大利亚马尔文卡布里尼医院的急诊医疗服务大楼 Gandel Wing 赢得。陪审团一致选择了新的七层翼楼,因为它在设计、健康和医疗保健建筑方面堪称典范。该计划占地 16,350 平方米,提供最先进的癌症、心脏和老年护理设施以及放射治疗地堡。Gandel Wing 因其高度的舒适性、安全性和尊严而受到评委的称赞。


Bates Smart 通过患者的视角处理项目的各个方面,以确保每个空间都从医学和美学的角度发挥作用。为此,屡获殊荣的实践与医疗团队密切合作,创建了临床医疗工作区域的模型。该建筑以健康、医疗保健和技术为中心,专注于治疗和营造温馨的环境。“Gandel Wing 的自然饰面、圆润的边缘和中性色调说明了建筑物可以治愈的力量,”陪审员和设计教育家 Lidewij Edelkoort 和 Philip Fimmano 表示。



位于悉尼的设计工作室 DesignByThem 因其座椅系列、GibsonKarlo 和 Dion Lee 的 DL Range 赢得了“使用”类别。该项目由工业设计师与 DesignByThem 创始人 Nicholas Karlovasitis 和 Sarah Gibson 以及澳大利亚时装设计师 Dion Lee 合作,将令人印象深刻的意大利马鞍皮革与光滑的有机材料和时尚的棱角轮廓相结合。 


“互动”类别获得了莫纳什大学 XYX 实验室的 HyperSext City——一个在线存储库,通过众包来自全球的社区、研究人员和个人来整理数据。多学科设计师 Ed Linacre 因其对设计词典的贡献以及对多样性和平等的承诺而获得了总统奖。 


DIA 总裁 Gavin Campbell 表示,“自 1948 年以来,澳大利亚设计学院一直致力于培养和赋予设计师权力。很高兴看到这些奖项的高潮,对设计转变的回应,同时也是我们共同未来的一部分。



Design Institute of Australia launches inaugural awards,Bates Smart scoops Best Place at inaugural Design Institute of Australia Awards with an acute medical services building, the Gandel Wing at Cabrini Malvern.


the Design Institute of Australia (DIA) – Australia’s national design body, has recently announced the winners for its inaugural Designers Australia 2021 Awards. The three categories ‘Place,’ ‘Use’ and ‘Interact’ boast a wealth of forward-thinking projects across the country. ‘Place’ recognises the spaces we inhabit, live, and operate in; ‘Use’ celebrates the things we use; while ‘Interact’ showcases who and what we engage with. 


The ‘Place’ category was won by multidisciplinary design practice Bates Smart for its acute medical services building, the Gandel Wing, at the Cabrini hospital in Malvern, Australia. The jury was unanimous in selecting the new seven-storey wing for its exemplary approach to design, wellness, and healthcare architecture. Stretching 16,350 sq m, the scheme delivers state-of-the-art cancer, cardiac, and geriatric care facilities alongside a radiotherapy bunker. Gandel Wing was praised by the judges for its high levels of comfort, safety, and dignity.


Bates Smart approached every aspect of the project through the lens of the patient to ensure that each space functions from both a medical and aesthetic perspective. To do this, the award-winning practice worked closely with medical teams to create mock-ups of clinical medical work areas. Centring on wellness, healthcare, and technology, the building focuses on healing and creating a welcoming environment. ‘The Gandel Wing’s natural finishes, rounded edges and neutral palette illustrate the power of buildings that can heal,’ stated jurors and design educators Lidewij Edelkoort and Philip Fimmano.


Other Design Institute of Australia Award winners

Sydney-based design studio DesignByThem won the ‘Use’ category for its seating series, DL Range by GibsonKarlo and Dion Lee. A collaboration between industrial designers and DesignByThem founders Nicholas Karlovasitis and Sarah Gibson, and Australian fashion designer Dion Lee, the project combines impressive Italian saddle leather with slick organic materials and sleek angular silhouettes. 


The ‘Interact’ category went to Monash University XYX Lab for HyperSext City – an online repository that collates data by crowdsourcing from communities, researchers, and individuals across the globe. While the President’s Prize was won by multidisciplinary designer Ed Linacre for his contribution to the design lexicon and commitment to diversity and equality. 


DIA president Gavin Campbell stated that ‘since 1948, the Design Institute of Australia has been committed to nurturing and empowering designers. It is pleasing to see the culmination of these awards, responses to design shifts while also being a part of our collective future.’ 








