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    发布时间:2021-06-23   来源:筑招建筑人才网   浏览次数:4992  


Dodge Data & Analytics 和 Bentley 的新研究表明,基于模型的技术和现场/项目管理软件可以改善美国土木承包商的项目成果,但目前未得到充分利用


新泽西州汉密尔顿 - 2021 年 6 月 21 日 - 今天,Dodge Data & Analytics和合作伙伴 Bentley 发布了与土木承包商数字技术战略相关的两部分报告系列中的第一部分。这份名为“走向数字化:土木建筑 SmartMarket Brief 的建模、调度和现场/项目管理”的初始报告具体介绍了基于模型的技术和现场/项目管理软件。其调查结果表明,虽然土木承包商有相当大的机会通过更广泛的技术采用来改善他们的成果,但 39% 的土木承包商目前不使用现场/项目管理软件,66% 的人不使用基于模型的技术。项目。该报告对此进行了探讨,并提供了一些方法来帮助使这些工具在未来更加有效。


建模工具的使用相对较少,在使用它们的人中,只有一种自动化的工作流程,即基于模型的数量估算被广泛使用。在审查其他几个工作流程(例如模拟 RFP/业务开发通信或数字竣工移交给业主)时,该研究发现只有大约 30%-40% 的受访者实际使用基于模型的技术目前采用其中任何一种其他活动。然而,持续使用这些工作流的承包商报告说,他们从中获得了很高的价值,并且一旦部署,他们也会在他们的大多数项目中使用这些工作流。


研究表明,适度的实施水平也仍然会产生关键的项目成果收益,减少返工、改善进度绩效、提高利益相关者对项目的理解和提高盈利能力通常是通过基于模型的技术实现的最大收益。此外,83% 的土木承包商报告说,使用这些工具对减少项目进度延误产生了显着影响。




61% 的人表示他们从项目数据中获得了很高/非常高的价值


93% 的受访者认为这些工具对减少进度延误产生了中等或更高的影响;34% 声称高/非常高的影响

65% 的人认为这些工具可以降低建设成本超支的风险





“正如报告所示,重型土木(水平)建筑在使用基于模型和现场/移动技术方面落后于垂直建筑项目,”产品管理副总裁 Richard Humphrey 说。“这可能归因于土木项目的空间背景以及土木设计模型创建方式的性质。然而,事实证明,采用来自土木承包商和建筑承包商的最新技术有助于解决这些问题并实现更高的效率、保持项目控制并提供更好的整体项目成果。”


此外,该研究还调查了那些尚未使用这些工具的人的态度。非用户对现场/项目管理工具的兴趣特别高,46% 的人考虑是否经常使用它,另有 17% 的人强烈考虑使用它。那些不使用基于模型的技术的人要谨慎一些,45% 的人考虑偶尔使用它,27% 的人经常考虑使用它。大多数非用户希望从这两种类型的工具中获得好处(即提高盈利能力、降低成本、提高劳动生产率、提高进度绩效和提高成本可预测性),以便更积极地实施。





New study from Dodge Data & Analytics and Bentley shows model-based tech and field/project management software improve project outcomes for civil contractors in the U.S., but are currently underutilized


HAMILTON, NJ – June 21, 2021 – Today, Dodge Data & Analytics and partner Bentley released the first of a two-part report series tied to digital technology strategies amongst civil contractors. This initial report titled, Going Digital: Modeling, Scheduling and Field/Project Management for Civil Construction SmartMarket Brief, takes a specific look at model-based technology and field/project management software. Its findings show that while there is a sizable opportunity for civil contractors to improve their outcomes with wider technology adoption, 39% of civil contractors currently don’t use field/project management software and 66% don’t use model-based technology for their projects. The report explores this and offers ways to help make the tools even more effective in the future.


Use of modeling tools is relatively low, and among those using them, only one automated workflow, model-based quantity takeoff for estimating is widely employed. When reviewing several other workflows (such as simulations for RFP/business development communications or digital as-built handovers to owners), the study found that only about 30%-40% of the respondents actually using model-based technologies currently employ any of these other activities. The contractors who use them consistently, however, report a high level of value derived from them, and once deployed, they use these workflows on the majority of their projects as well.


The study reveals that moderate levels of implementation also still yield critical project outcome benefits, and reduced rework, improved schedule performance, improved stakeholder understanding of the project and improved profitability are frequently among the top benefits achieved through model-based technology. In addition, 83% of civil contractors report a notable impact on the reduction of project schedule delays from the use of these tools.


Those using field/project management software also report a number of benefits:


61% report that they get high/very high value out of their projects data

While improved schedule performance is a top value driver, improved labor productivity, cost predictability/profitability, and reduced costs are all notable project benefits named

93% experience a medium or higher impact from these tools on the reduction of schedule delays; 34% claim high/very high impact

65% believe that these tools reduce the risk of construction cost overruns

“We know that the U.S. needs to make major investments in infrastructure over the next few years,” said Steve Jones, Senior Director of Industry Insights Research at Dodge Data & Analytics. “As the amount of work increases and as the workforce and supply chain challenges continue to plague the industry, contractors need ways to maximize their productivity, have dependable schedules, and have reliable levels of profit. The findings of this study demonstrate the ways in which digital technology and resources can serve as key parts of their strategy for success when facing these challenges.”


Users of both model-based technology and field/project management tools believe that they could get more out of these tools if they integrated with other software and digital resources. This supports the increasing need for contractors to move beyond single point solutions to a more holistic means of incorporating different technologies and the data they contain on their projects.


“As the report indicates, Heavy Civil (horizontal) construction lags behind vertical building projects in its use of model-based and field/mobile technology,” said Richard Humphrey, VP of Product Management. “This may be attributed to the spatial context of civil projects and the nature of how civil design models are created. Adoption of the latest technology from civil contractors and building contractors, however, is proving to help address these problems and realize greater significant efficiencies, keep projects in control, and deliver better project outcomes overall."


In addition, the study examined the attitudes of those not yet using these tools. Interest in field/project management tools among non-users is particularly high, with 46% thinking about whether to use it frequently, and an additional 17% who are strongly considering using it. Those who are not using model-based technology are a little more cautious, with 45% who think about using it occasionally and 27% who consider it frequently. Most non-users would like to realize the benefits (i.e., improved profitability, reduced cost, improved labor productivity, improved schedule performance and improved cost predictability) from both types of tools in order to more actively pursue implementation.


“As demand for infrastructure increases and projects become more complex, the industry (i.e., contractors) will not be able to deliver and close the gap between supply and demand for infrastructure by doing things the same way,” continued Humphrey. “Civil contractors will need to accelerate their adoption of Model-based and mobile technology to meet these challenges and not get left behind.”








