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SHoP Architects 的超高层住宅楼 9 DeKalb 现在是布鲁克林最高的建筑

    发布时间:2021-07-13   来源:筑招建筑人才网   浏览次数:9021  


SHoP Architects现在是布鲁克林最高的建筑,9 DeKalb 植根于具有里程碑意义的布鲁克林一角储蓄银行的历史白话。


9 DeKalb 是SHoP Architects和开发商 JDS Development Group 的一座高耸的住宅楼,正式成为纽约布鲁克林最高的建筑。 


通过Instagram 帖子,JDS Development Group 宣布正在建设中的摩天大楼最近达到了 721 英尺。完成后,9 DeKalb 将有 73 层,高 1,066 英尺。 


该塔毗邻具有里程碑意义的布鲁克林 Dime 储蓄银行,该银行最初建于 1906 年。作为该项目的一部分,该银行的内部将进行修复和重新利用,以形成新的中间街区连接的一部分,供行人使用。塔楼的立面以青铜、钢铁和大理石等材料调色板与历史悠久的邻居相得益彰。 


9 DeKalb 是六角形的,其灵感来自银行的图案和地板。立面由交替的玻璃面板和由黑色、铜色和金色的有色金属制成的垂直建筑型材阵列组成。形状沿着六个塔面的大小交替变化,随着塔的向上移动,形成从青铜色到黑色的渐变。 


9 DeKalb 是SHoP Architects 和 JDS Development Group 为纽约市天际线增添的另一项,他们合作建造了 111 West 57th,这是一座位于曼哈顿亿万富翁街的超高层豪华公寓,以及 American Copper Buildings,两座毗邻的摩天大楼形成一个看起来像字母 H 和 K 组合的形状。 


9 DeKalb 将于 2022 年完工。



Now the tallest building in Brooklyn, 9 DeKalb is rooted in the historic vernacular of the landmarked Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn.


9 DeKalb, a soaring residential tower by SHoP Architects and developers JDS Development Group, is officially the tallest building in Brooklyn, New York. 


Via an Instagram post, JDS Development Group announced that the under-construction skyscraper has recently reached 721 feet. When complete, 9 DeKalb will be 73 stories, standing at 1,066 feet. 


The tower sits adjacent to the landmarked Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, which was originally built in 1906. As part of the project, the bank’s interior will be restored and repurposed to form part of a new mid-block connection for pedestrians. The tower’s façade compliments its historic neighbor with a palette of materials, including bronze, steel, and marble. 


9 DeKalb is hexagonal in shape, which was inspired by the patterns and floor plate of the bank. The façade consists of alternating panels of glazing and arrays of vertical architectural profiles made of colored metals in black, copper, and gold. The shapes alternate in size along each of the six tower faces, creating a fade from bronze to black as the tower moves upwards. 


9 DeKalb is another addition to the New York City skyline by SHoP Architects and JDS Development Group, who have collaborated to construct 111 West 57th, a supertall, luxury condominium along Manhattan's Billionaires' Row, and the American Copper Buildings, two adjoined skyscrapers whose union forms a shape that looks like the letters H and K combined. 


9 DeKalb is set to complete in 2022.








