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    发布时间:2021-07-21   来源:筑招建筑人才网   浏览次数:6696  


作为第 5 届伊斯坦布尔设计双年展的一部分,Ossidiana 工作室打造了一个有趣且富有雕塑感的浮动花园 Büyükada Songlines


动态设计和建筑实践工作室 Ossidiana 的 Alessandra Covini 和 Giovanni Bellotti 发布了他们引人注目的浮动花园的第一个视觉效果;Büyükada Songlines 是一个有趣的雕塑建筑花园作品,是第五届伊斯坦布尔设计双年展的一部分,刚刚开始在马尔马拉海和博斯普鲁斯海峡沿岸巡航,将伊斯坦布尔的王子群岛与该市的亚洲和欧洲海岸连接起来。 


这件作品的灵感来自旅行作家布鲁斯·查特文 (Bruce Chatwin) 的日记,解释了团队。与 Studio Ossidiana 对形式和材料的探索一致,该花园受到“独特的地中海小气候、鸟类不断变化的迁徙模式、鱼类的枯竭、自发、栽培、本地和非本地物种之间的干扰、珊瑚,关于禁止马车的辩论,以及在不断变化的自然和社会气候中保护岛屿松树林和 maki 森林的争论,”它的创造者说。 


从荷马到奥尔多罗西,这片地中海景观还借鉴了传统,以及与水相关的建筑和设计叙事,由三个装置组成。'[有]一个地球平台,代表岛屿的土壤;海洋水磨石奖章,由收集在 Büyükada 的贝壳和岩石制成;以及栖息地和喂鸟器的网格,供候鸟和海鸥休息,”科维尼和贝洛蒂解释说。 


由伊斯坦布尔文化艺术基金会 (İKSV) 组织的题为“同理心重温:多人设计”的双年展从即日起至 2021 年 11 月举行,由 VitrA 赞助,并得到土耳其共和国文化和旅游部和 Borsa 的支持伊斯坦布尔。策展人 Mariana Pestana 和导演 Deniz Ova 监督了许多活动,这个浮动花园就是其中之一。


双年展结束后,这件作品的种植和建筑元素将被捐赠并永久安装在马尔马拉海最大的王子群岛 Büyükada。



Studio Ossidiana crafts a playful and sculptural floating garden, Büyükada Songlines, as part of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial.


Alessandra Covini and Giovanni Bellotti of dynamic design and architecture practice Studio Ossidiana have released the first visuals of their striking floating garden; Büyükada Songlines, a playful and sculptural architectural garden piece, is part of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial and has just started cruising off the coasts of the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, connecting Istanbul’s Princes’ Islands with the city’s Asian and European shores. 


The piece takes inspiration from travel writer Bruce Chatwin’s diaries, explain the team. Consistent with Studio Ossidiana’s explorations with forms and material, the garden is informed by ‘the unique Mediterranean microclimate, the evolving migration patterns of birds, the depletion of fish, the interferences between spontaneous, cultivated, native and non-native species, the transplantation of corals, the debates on banning horse carriages and the conservation of the islands’ pine and maki forests within an evolving physical and social climate’, say its creators. 


Drawing also on traditions, and architectural and design narratives linked with water, from Homer to Aldo Rossi, this Mediterranean landscape is inhabited by three installations. ‘[There is] an earthly platform, representative of the soils of the islands; a marine terrazzo medallion, made with shells and rocks gathered in Büyükada; and a grid of perches and bird feeders, for migratory birds and gulls to rest upon,’ explain Covini and Bellotti. 


Titled Empathy Revisited: Designs for more than one and organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) the biennal runs from now until November 2021 and is sponsored by VitrA and supported by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and Borsa Istanbul. Curator Mariana Pestana and director Deniz Ova have overseen a number of events, of which this floating garden is one.


Once the biennal is over, the piece’s planting and architectural elements will be donated and permanently installed in Büyükada, the largest of the Princes’ Islands in the Sea of Marmara. 








